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Relieve Stress with Self-Care

Stress happens when we feel under pressure or threatened, in situations where we feel out of control or unable to manage. We all experience stress, we experience it differently. Stress can sometimes spiral out of control. Before this happens, try some self-care tips to help alleviate these symptoms.

Exfoliate with a face scrub. Using an exfoliator to clean your face leads to a feeling of complete relaxation from facial cleanliness. Cleansing the skin helps to keep the skin clear, healthy, and radiant.

Take a bath. Don’t discount how soothing a bath can be. I know many of you feel a shower is cleaner than a bath. A bath is a perfect time to relax. Dim the lights, light candles, add bath bombs, get your bath pillow, and soak until you look like a prune.

Use a face mask. We can continue to take care of our skin by applying a mask. There are facial masks for every situation including relaxation. Try multi-tasking by wearing that mask while you soak.

Give yourself a facial. DIY facials are the perfect way to manage stress and promote relaxation. Pampering yourself is the ultimate experience and goes a long way to taking care of yourself. This way, you reap all of the benefits of a facial without the pricey spa price.

Detox your scalp. We all shampoo and condition regularly. One thing we may miss during our routine is the scalp detox. Detoxing the scalp is deep cleaning the scalp and this can be so refreshing and relaxing.

These are a few ideas to help relieve stress and to promote relaxation. What do you do for self-care and to relieve stress? I’m sure other readers would love to know.

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